torsdag 17 maj 2012

Geocaching as tourist guide

I had a trip to Germany with my work with the possibilities to visit two new cities for me. I went up very early on Sunday to get a full day in Munich. I took the train from the airport to the central of Munich. After that I left my bag at the hotel I start a long walk in the central city. I had no real plan for my visit, just my Garmin full with caches. So I walked from cache to cache. By doing so I get a nice walk and I probably saw most of the sights important to a tourist and save the money for the guide book.The weather was quite chilly so you had to get dressed if you stopped.

My Munich walk.
It is not really true that I haven't any plan... I would like to get some of the webcamera caches in Munich and with support from the rest of my team I got the pictures to the logg.

Webcam to the cache The heart of munich
A Beer...
A nice view from one of the caches
The wilderness in the middle of the city.
On monday morning I left Munich and went to Ulm. It's not so easy to geocache when you are on a business trip but I snuck away an afternoon. Besides, it was nice to be a little lonely for a while, I had the same design as in Munich, going from cache to cache, and thus experience Ulm. Unfortunately, it rained and the time limited, so there was no long walk unfortunately.

The City wall in Ulm

Donau again